A BOOK will be published in 2021: GASRATYAN S.M. «Israel and Sunnis: a clash and dialogue of civilizations»
A BOOK will be published in 2021: Gasratyan S.M. Israel and Sunnis: a clash and dialogue of civilizations. – М.: The publisher of Vorobyov A.V., 2021. – 592 с. ISBN 978–5–93883–418–7 The real book «Israel and Sunnis: Clash and Dialogue of Civilizations» is a short version of the two volume «Relations between Israel and Arab-Sunni countries in the context of international and regional problems: a clash or dialogue of civilizations? (historical and political essays)» and the final part of the trilogy «The Role of Religions in the Political Life of Israel». The first 2 books «The Religious Factor in the History of the State of Israel. The Role of Judaism» and «Christianity and the State of Israel. Religious-political and cultural problems» were published in 2012 and 2011, respectively. The book examines the geopolitical situation in the Middle East and Africa through the prism of Israeli-Sunni relations. The author pays particular attention to the ethnic and religious contradictions that shake the entire Middle East region. The sponsor concludes that only through compromise and dialogue can peace be established in the region. The book is a popular scientific publication for a wide readership.
A BOOK will be published in 2021: Gasratyan S.M. Israel and Sunnis: a clash and dialogue of civilizations [2,53Mb PDF]
Cover [ru.wikipedia.org]: . Begin, Jimmy Carter and Anwar Sadat The Camp David Agreement, 7 September 1978 (Fitz-Patrick Bil); Interior of Al-Griba Synagogue. Tunis, Djerba Island.
The publication was supported by the Technology Foundation / revolution.ru Russia — Eurasia: Cultural Policy for Strengthening inter-ethnic peace and interreligious harmony / orientalism.ru